Watch videos : Mass-produced Russian beauties are harvesting Chinese dads


Watch videos : Mass-produced Russian beauties are harvesting Chinese dads 

Olga Loiek is a Ukrainian Internet celebrity with blonde hair and blue eyes and a delicate face.

Most of her videos feature Barbie dolls as covers, and the content format is relatively monotonous — sharing her life insights in front of the camera.

As a little-known YouTube celebrity, Olga has a pitifully small number of fans, only more than 10,000.

However, she has a clone on the Chinese Internet who has lived in China for 8 years, speaks fluent Chinese, and has more fans than the main body, with more than 200,000.

Here, her name is not Olga Loiek, but “Natasha”. She is Russian, loves Chinese food and culture, wants to marry a Chinese man, and sell some Russian products.

Olga Loiek only learned about Natasha in the parallel universe at the end of January this year. She was surprised by her other “self” and had difficulty describing what was happening.

“Someone cloned me,” she fumed.

Olga Loiek talks about being “cloned” in video

In fact, there are a large group of “Russian beauties” on the Chinese Internet who use Olga Loiek’s face and voice. They all claim to have lived in China for many years and hope to marry Chinese men. They then introduce various Russian specialty products to netizens.

Olga Loiek is not the only victim. Rana Blackley, an Internet celebrity from Sweden, also has a doppelgänger in China.

In fact, with just a little material and the readily available AI synthesis software, all kinds of exotic beauties can be produced in batches.

With the sinking of AI technology and the proliferation of AI-generated information, it seems to be increasingly affecting people’s information surfing.

In addition to innocuous AI spam information, Chinese men are increasingly seeing “exotic beauties” who claim to marry Chinese people, which may just be a bunch of false data.

And what they target is often the wallets of Chinese men.

Russian beauties are coming

I don’t know since when, a group of “foreign internet celebrities” who particularly love China have emerged on China’s major Internet platforms. They spoke less fluent Chinese, expressed their love for China, and praised Chinese food, industry and culture.

This also allowed some people with ulterior motives to get a glimpse of this wealth code.

The account named “Natasha Imported Food” created a non-existent Russian woman “Natasha” who has lived in China for 8 years, loves Chinese culture and threatens to marry a Chinese man. It has 210,000 fans.

In contrast, the real person of “Natasha”, the Olga Loiek at the beginning of the article, has only more than 10,000 fans.

The account of @Natasha Imported Food has attracted many fans, but the user cannot be found so far.

The threshold for AI bloggers is actually not high. As long as you find a little material, such as Olga Loiek’s videos and photos, and use the software readily available on the Internet, everyone can get started with tutorials and simple training, you can quickly generate it.

Although the video sent out looks blurry and the characters are heavily filtered, many netizens who are not familiar with AI technology will still believe it to be true.
In the comment area, fans responded positively and praised Natasha, leaving messages such as “You are beautiful”, “I want to see you” and “Please reply to my message” in the comment area.

There is more than one Natasha like this.

Some are called Grace and some are called Anna. Without exception, their windows sell all kinds of Russian products.

After Olga was exposed, many of these accounts disappeared, but the business of “Russian AI beauties” is still hot.

I searched on some e-commerce platforms and found that many businesses and individuals are launching digital human customization services, including image generation and voice cloning, under the banner of “AI Russian beauty” at a price as low as 5 or 6 yuan. and training etc.

Olga Loiek exposed many “Russian AI beauty” accounts in her video

In fact, the Russian AI beauty became popular two years ago.

Among them, the most famous one is “Russian Nana”. Nana has blond hair, a face with a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets. She speaks poor “Russian Chinese”. She praises China in every video. She once appeared in a short video It has nearly 2 million fans on the platform.

The sales volume of the beef tendon sausages, chocolates, wafers, etc. in the window are very impressive.

@Russian Nana

AI technology was not that advanced back then, and Nana’s facial features had obvious joint marks, so people questioned her. In the end, this fake “foreign internet celebrity” was exposed and was quickly banned from the platform.

In less than a year, Nana transformed into Hubei singer Na Yina and became popular on the Internet with her divine song “Love is Like Fire”.

Of course, this is all for later.

Hunting for middle-aged and elderly people

Not only are Russian beauties a good business, but Russian soldiers are no exception.

In June last year, a Henan man used AI to package himself as the Russian soldier “Paul Kochat”.

The name he chose is very magical. It is only one letter different from the name of Paul Korchagin, the protagonist of “How Steel Was Tempered”. His name is “gold” and he is “iron”.

With the help of poor AI special effects, he has a shiny head and thick beard, and he looks quite the same.

And the whole process of his popularity is even more outrageous. “Kochatie” pretended to be fighting on the front line, using “Russian Mandarin” with a Henan accent, and constantly reported the battle situation to netizens on the short video platform.

Although his remarks were extremely absurd and even inconsistent, he still managed to attract the attention of hundreds of thousands of fans.

Fans have no doubts about him, they are passionate in the comment area and support him with real money. The milk powder in the window alone sold for 380,000 yuan.

As the number of Kechatie fans grows, the voices of doubt finally become louder and louder.

For example, his IP has always been displayed in Henan, and the so-called battlefield in a certain video was found to be the cooling tower of a power plant in Luoyang, Henan.

Eventually, his account was banned.

There is also a type of AI account that is equally popular, “digital foreigners” who have difficulty distinguishing authenticity from others and share some chicken soup for the soul and elderly lifestyle in front of the camera.

When the number of fans is large enough, they will start selling products. For example, AI foreigners selling health anxiety will start selling some health products.

A blogger who was questioned by netizens as an AI has had his account banned by the platform.

Today, a large number of similar AI accounts are hidden under the surging traffic.

This makes people think of the “fake male celebrities” who frequently appeared on the Internet before. At that time, many middle-aged and elderly women were deceived, defrauding not only love but also wealth.

Today’s AI bloggers are still targeting middle-aged and elderly people. Many of Olga’s AI accounts have been stolen, and they even don’t bother to hide the logo of the AI platform HeyGen, because the people behind these Russian beauties know that the target group has no understanding of these new technologies. With enough judgment, young people can even distinguish the special effects at a glance, and in their eyes they are no different from real people.

Young people are not immune

Seeing this, many young people think that they will not be cheated.

But the reality is cruel. AI beauty bloggers and grass-growing bloggers targeting young people have also begun to appear in batches.

This is also an extremely lucrative business.

The reality of the development of self-media is that there are too many monks and too few people.

Many people are still thinking hard about their personal advantages, Internet celebrity incubation agencies are still making up scripts, and AI people have already stolen pictures to change their “faces” and “create personalities” according to what the public likes.

The AI female blogger can be a mother, a socialite, or a female student.

Male bloggers are elites, athletes, and male students.

They disguise themselves as normal accounts and imitate real people’s updates every day, making it difficult to tell the authenticity at a glance.

For example, blogger Ze Qian mainly shares personal selfies, using a photo paired with music. Such a monotonous video style has gained more than 400,000 fans due to her good looks, and her most popular video has received more than 1.8 million likes.

One highly praised comment was: I was finally moved, but you told me he was an AI.

At present, the account does not label itself as AI, but the platform gives a prompt that it is suspected of AI synthesis, so pay attention to screening.

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