Cassie and Diddy hotel video watch

Cassie and Diddy hotel video watch

CNN recently aired a video that has emerged amidst allegations made by Ms. Ventura against her ex-boyfriend and producer in a lawsuit last year. While Ms. Ventura has refrained from commenting on the video, her lawyer has stated that it confirms “the disturbing and predatory behavior of Mr. Combs.”

Despite BBC’s request for comment, a lawyer representing Mr. Combs has yet to respond. The video, reportedly a compilation of surveillance footage dated March 5, 2016, purportedly originates from the now-shuttered InterContinental Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles.

According to CNN, the footage shows Ms. Ventura exiting a hotel room and heading towards a bank of elevators. A shirtless man, allegedly Mr. Combs, is seen rushing down a hallway, where he catches up to Ms. Ventura, grabs her, throws her to the floor, and kicks her. He then picks up her bags, kicks her again, and attempts to drag her by her shirt. After a brief departure, he returns, shoving Ms. Ventura as she stands up, before throwing an object while seated near the lifts.

Douglas Wigdor, a lawyer representing Ms. Ventura, expressed in a statement: “The gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of Mr. Combs. Words cannot express the courage and fortitude that Ms. Ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light.”

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, while acknowledging the disturbing nature of the footage, stated that the assault captured might be beyond the statute of limitations for prosecution, given that it allegedly occurred in 2016.

WATCH VIDEO HERE AND READ MORE: Cassie and Diddy hotel video watch

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